Monday, July 16, 2012

Hooray for Halfway

Today is 20 weeks. I can't believe this pregnancy is halfway over. Lots of people say they feel like their pregnancies fly by, but for me they go slowly. Probably because I spend so much time worrying. I had my anatomy scan this morning. Little man is just as active as his big brother and had to be forced to move a few times when he chose not to cooperate. He weighs in at 12 ounces right now. To my untrained eye things looked really good. I get the official results in a few weeks.

The second trimester brought my energy back when it arrived. I was starting to wonder if the fatigue was all in my head and I was making myself feel worse than I truly did, but no that wasn't the case. I was exhausted. Constantly. And useless. Now I've been able to actually accomplish things again and I'm feeling really great. CJ is active much of the day so I have his reassuring taps, punches, and kicks easing my mind. I still can't believe this is happening. It is still surreal. I'm sure it will continue to be surreal until they lay his squirmy body on my chest when he's born. Only 5 months until we meet our new little man. Yipee!!


  1. Hooray for 20 weeks and for ENERGY! My energy seems to be falling back off again. It was good while it lasted :)

  2. Yay for halfway! :) Send some of that energy my way. ;p
