Thursday, September 27, 2012

30 Weeks 3 Days

I had my 30 week appointment today. I'm up 24 pounds total now. I gained 3 pounds in 2 weeks which is a little more than the pound a week I should be gaining. I finally saw my fundal height measurements as my doc was entering them I'm a 27 today, which was a 2cm increase from last appointment. My doc seems pleased. CJ is literally active 23 out of the 24 hours in a day. Yesterday as I hurried down the supermarket aisle to the checkout a lady stopped me to tell me she could see him kicking and flailing in my belly through my shirt. He does cause quite a stir. I love it though!! I can't believe in less than 10 weeks we'll have a newborn again!! I'm so excited, scared, thankful, overwhelmed, entirely not ready!! I am finally pre-registered at the hospitals. I have to send a huge congrats to Jen from Within Reach her gorgeous twins have arrived. Hoping Jen and her twins can go home quickly and settle into their new routine. Seeing those beautiful babes really hit home with me that CJ isn't an abstract. He's a baby and he'll be here soon and I can't wait!!  67 days and counting...

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Hello Third Trimester: 28 weeks

Phew I have now entered the third trimester. Things are crazy around here and I'm feeling quite overwhelmed. We've been fighting a cough for the past month. As in LD started it, passed it to me, and now it's finally made its way to Daddy. LD has also just started having some very icky diapers. Of course anxious Mommy is terrified of catching something from him that could hurt CJ so every diaper change I'm gloving up, taking them directly outside, and disinfecting everything within 10 feet of the diaper change area. And washing my hands constantly so they are dry and painful. *sigh* I just want everyone to be healthy, oh and if we could fast forward to December that'd be cool too. :) Not that keeping a newborn healthy would be any less stressful.

Which leads me to my newest situation to figure out how to work out. We do weekly playgroup and I try to do other activities during the week as well to give LD an opportunity to get out and about and hang out with his friends. Adding a newborn to the mix during flu season just doesn't sit well with me. So I am thinking we'll have to take some time off from playgroup. It stinks because I don't want to make LD feel like he's being punished or change things too much for him, but I also want to keep CJ from being exposed to scary germs when he's so little. I'm also starting to wonder how soon before CJ's arrival we should stop going to playgroup as well. He missed his friends so much during the time we stayed away from playgroup because of his cough so I know it will be hard for him when we have to take a break. Luckily we will have company to keep him engaged.

Still haven't chosen a hospital. Gotta get that done.