Tuesday, July 31, 2012

22 Weeks

I had my 22 week appointment today. 22 weeks!! There are more weeks of my pregnancy completed than remaining. Big brother LD came along for moral support, and because he's never had a babysitter what else can I do with him? He was great and kept himself pretty entertained the entire time. My OB just loves him. Every time she sees him she gushes over how he's just the perfect mix of DH and I. Honestly he's much, much cuter than either of us. And I hope CJ is as well. My blood pressure was great. I gained 4 pounds since last visit, so about 13 for the pregnancy so far. My OB thinks I'm on track to gain about the same as I did with LD, about 32 pounds. I'm interested to see if I lose it as quickly as last time now that I'll be 2 years older. I'm just thankful it wasn't more because I've been eating nothing but junk this pregnancy. I'm working to correct that though. CJ is a total mover and shaker who reminds me frequently that he's in there. The 20 week anatomy scan results came back perfect. He measured a little bit ahead, about 2 days. Next visit will be the glucose test. Last time I was borderline, but I'm hoping not to be so close this time. I hope to pass with flying colors. I'm still enjoying my extra energy and hope it at least lasts through our vacation in a few weeks.


  1. Sounds like everything is going very well! I'm very jealous of the 13 lbs :) When I eat tons of crap it just gains up on me! ha

  2. Yay for the half way mark! I had GD when I was preggo with Matthew and only gained about 10 lbs. It was such a blessing in disguise. I hope you pass the glucose test!

    I bet LD is so happy to be a big brother. :)

  3. Holy cow!!! I've completely missed the news! Congratulations my dear, this is just fantastic! Now I have to add this blog to my list :)
