Tuesday, June 5, 2012

14 Weeks 1 Day Second Trimester and Baby Pokes

I absolutely cannot believe I am currently in the second trimester. Seriously. I still can't even believe I'm pregnant. I've been feeling Baby move for a few weeks now. DH thought I was nuts when I told him I was certain I felt Baby moving. With my son we weren't sure until around 16 weeks so the fact that between 8-10 weeks I kept insisting it wasn't gas but Baby made him skeptical. My OB said most women feel the second one earlier and she felt certain I knew what I was talking about and was indeed feeling Baby. It isn't the consistent movement that comes later but still a great feeling to feel when it happens. My pants no longer fit but I'm dreading searching for maternity pants. Last time I wore lots of sweats and yoga pants and had a few pairs of work pants. This time I have to leave the house, but not for work, so I don't think sweat pants and yoga pants will cut it. I'm starting to feel my energy returning slowly but surely. Things are going well and I'm feeling good.


  1. Ah, I sure do miss those baby flutters. I'm so glad things are going well for you!!!

    When I was preggo, I bought some maternit dress pants from JC Penny's and they were pretty comfy. I bought one in black and grey and wore them a lot! Good luck!

  2. ah, maternity pants. How I loathe thee. I have been doing pretty well just wearing leggings and my "fat jeans" so far, but the maternity pants are becoming inevitable. I just never found them that comfortable. I always felt like I had to pull them up and constantly adjust them. Hopefully you have better luck!
    And woo hoo for the 2T! Glad to hear you're feeling good!
