Friday, November 16, 2012


:) Probably not what some of you were expecting. No, he's not here yet. This was captured during my silly ultrasound this afternoon. Even the tech was like, "Why are we doing this?" But we did it. Let me tell you an ultrasound at 37+ weeks is not fun. I kept having to stop and roll to my left side because I was about to pass out. Luckily the tech was understanding. We joked about how CJ will arrive before the doc even reads the scans and then she'll be able to see exactly how much he weighs. The tech showed me the growth curve lines for all of the measurements he took and CJ was average for every.single.measurement. Save the head. Of course his head was bigger than average. Just like his big brother. Tonight I called the advice nurse because I was not feeling good at all. For some reason I ended up talking to 3 different people and all of them kept asking if I was sure I wasn't in labor, with one asking if any baby parts were sticking out. Um no. Would I sound so calm if there were a baby emerging? I don't think so. The last most helpful nurse told me that since I'm +3cm dilated, 70% effaced, and -2 station she hopes I better have a bag packed because this labor is gonna fly. I'm expecting him to come any day now. Turns out 2 Tums helped me feel better in a jiffy though.

*TMI Alert* Yesterday I had pink tinged discharge and today it was red so I'm assuming I dilated a bit more today. Maybe he will just fall out. ;)


  1. I hope for your sake he just falls out!! :))

  2. Ha! Yes! Fall out, baby! fall out!

    Sounds like you are soooooo close! I can't wait for the latest updates!
