Friday, May 25, 2012

12 weeks 4 days First Trimester Screening

This afternoon was our NT scan, or first trimester screening depending on what you call it. I call it a great chance to look at the baby. I've been feeling like the inside of my uterus is very tender this week which has really been freaking me out. It's not painful, but I wouldn't call it pleasant either. I check Baby's heart rate on the doppler every other dayish so I knew things seemed to be ok in there aside from the tenderness. I took my mom, who is visiting, to the appointment this afternoon to give her a chance to experience just how much ultrasound has changed since I was a fuzzy blob on one. She was amazed at just how baby-like Baby looked today. I'm pretty sure we had the same ultrasound tech today two years ago and the geneticist we talked to told me she was the one we saw when we were there two years ago too. I remembered her instantly as well. Everything looked great today!! Baby was nice and still for measurements but did a little wiggling once they were done. Heart rate was 168bpm. That's right around where my sons' always were. It's still very surreal to me. Wonderful and surreal. Unbelievable and surreal.


  1. Awesome news! Very cool that your mom got to see it also!

  2. YAAAAAAAAAAAAY! So glad to hear that you and Baby are doing well. LOVE ultrasounds...they keep me sane! ;p
