Wednesday, April 18, 2012

7w 2d

Today was ultrasound day. And what a day it was. I feel as though I'm watching this happen to someone else. It is completely surreal. You know I must be one psycho-memorable-crazy-ass pregnant chick when the two receptionists at my OB's office both recognized and congratulated me. Yep it's me...I'm BAAAAACCCKKKK... I knew the nurses thought I was cray cray but I had no idea it extended to the receptionist staff. I can't help it that my past losses make me a little unsure, obsessed, overly inquisitive, and in need of some serious reassurance especially in the first trimester. But at this point when they congratulated me it felt weird. I felt like I was checking in for my annual so congratulating me for doing an annual exam seemed odd. My head couldn't quite wrap around the true reason for my visit. I mean how could I be pregnant? I didn't have morning monitoring ultrasounds. I didn't have blood draws. I didn't have an egg retrieval or even a transfer. How can I be pregnant??? DH and my son came with for support. My OB was of course thrilled to see my son. We were nervous since he hates the doctor's office he'd have a meltdown, but he was fantastic. He sat in DH's lap quietly and as soon as the baby appeared on the ultrasound screen he pointed and screamed, "BABY!!" DH and I were floored. We certainly didn't tell him we were going to see a baby. I don't think he's ever seen an ultrasound before. But he knew. And as soon as the OB said the baby looked great and had a great heartbeat I started breathing again. So here we are 7w 2d, baby measured 6w 5d with a heart rate in the 150's. We didn't hear our son's heartbeat until around 11 weeks at home, so hearing Baby S's heart so soon was amazing!! Our due date is December 3, the day after our 7 year anniversary. My OB told me they don't deliver at the hospital we had my son at anymore, which was so sad. Our experience with my son was incredible and I was really looking forward to delivering at the same hospital. So we'll have to check out our new options, but for now I'm just focused on making it through the first trimester. My OB didn't want to see me back for 4 weeks but said I could come back sooner for reassurance. So I booked my appointment for 2 weeks from now. I'll need reassurance. Our losses were both between 8-9 weeks so that is my really scary time. So for now things look great. I'm still in shock. But very hopeful, oh so hopeful.


  1. Congrats on 7 weeks, hopefully you are feeling well!

  2. Yay! Yay! Yay! So very glad that you got a good report and saw the heart beating strongly. That's awesome!! I couldn't be happier for you. :)

  3. I'm SO happy for you guys! Glad the appt went well. How awesome that your little guy got to see baby on the ultrasound (still amazing that he knew!). Wishing you the best and keeping you in my prayers through the first trimester!!!

  4. horrray!! you deserve that congrats!! :) i love that LD recognized the baby right away. :)
