Friday, February 10, 2012

Waiting Game

We are very, very, very(x infinity) lucky to have insurance coverage to help us with our fertility treatments. DH asked me a few weeks ago out of the blue what we needed to do in order to do an IVF cycle in April. I was shocked since until that moment he had me pretty much convinced he wasn't ever going to be interested in having another baby. I didn't waste any time asking why he changed his mind, and I didn't want him to change it back so I didn't ask what led to the change of heart. I simply sent my Gyno a message immediately asking her to enter a referral for us back to our fertility clinic. Her reply instantly reminded me of all the annoying timing issues that go along with conceiving a baby when you can't do it on your own. I'm currently waiting to do bloodwork on the 3rd day of my cycle. One of the reasons I originally knew I'd have trouble conceiving was my lack of periods. Since I quit pumping for my son in July I have only had 2 periods. One was at the beginning of November and the other was at the end of December. We went on vacation last week and I was hoping the entire time that I wouldn't start my period while we were away since I couldn't get bloodwork done on a cruise. I'm about to leave for another week and still no sign of a period. My doctor gave me some meds to start a period when I return. Most people would be thinking they were pregnant at this point, but since I've never been regular I'm sure that's not the case, of course I'll test before initiating a medicine induced cycle just to be sure. The other thing my insurance wants in order to provide a referral is an HSG. My last one was quite traumatic and painful. Annoyingly since we're doing IVF it seems stupid to do another HSG to check to see if my tubes are blocked. They certainly won't be used to get me pregnant so seems like a waste of time to me. So for now we've entered the waiting game stage. Hoping the referral comes through with enough time to schedule an appointment and get things in order so we can cycle in April-May. I'm thankful the next few weeks find me quite busy so I don't have much time to think about what's coming. I don't have time to dwell on how failure will feel. That's a good thing.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that is all happening fast! That does suck about the HSG...mine wasn't painful, but that doesn't mean I would want another one :)

    Good luck!
